Mod or Super Famicom?
During the past year or so I have become increasingly convinced that I was missing out on something that my friends were doing on a regular basis – playing Japanese games on the Super Famicom. So having finally decided to do something about this large missing piece in my retrogaming jigsaw I made some enquiries into purchasing a Super Famicom. I very nearly purchased one to sit next to my Super Nintendo but a thought struck me. Why not just mod one of my existing SNES consoles to play all region carts? Better still, also mod them to play them at full speed and full screen. As my skills with a soldering iron are very limited and my electronics knowledge even more so, I therefore decided to search for an expert to mod my console for me.
My search eventually led me to a particular small business offering their services called Retro Mods Ltd (see their Facebook page here). I liked the simplicity of the service they offered; decide what mods you want, pay, send them your console and have it returned to you with the mods done, with free return postage. Pricing was very reasonable so off it went to have PAL/NTSC and 50/60hz switches, a clear cartridge flap and LED mods fitted. I decided against a paint job because the SNES I had chosen wasn’t yellowed at all and keeps the consoles I have on display looking original.
Just less than a week later (only took that long because of a Bank Holiday) I got my console back all modded and ready to play JP SFC games at full speed and full screen! My console is pictured below after being modded.
Needless to say I would definitely recommend their services!
Click on images to enlarge

Gallery of consoles modded by Retro Mods Ltd
Click on images to enlarge
Are you able to do SCART RGB mods on an NES top loader?